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Software Development Projects

This page is full of software development projects, and links to, that I have worked on. Some projects include, but not limited to: Creating a webserver using MEAN, designing and creating an Android Studio applications, and JUnit testings.



Bookstore website run with .NET and SQL

This is a simply bookstore web application that is being developed and run in .NET with a MySQL database. It will be run on Azure services later in development.


Travel Agency

A travel agency website run by Angular

This is a web application that was developed during my time at SNHU. It uses MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js to run the application. 


Bunker Game

Bunker text game run with React

This is a large project with many integrations. It is meant to help me test and explore different paths within development. Currently involved: React.js, Node.js, AWS, DynamoDB, REST Api, GPT-3



Educational web application using Vue.js

I am learning Vue.js through a course I am taking online. This is a repository of the code being developed. There will be a functioning website later on in the course.


Inventory Management

A mobile app built with Android Studio

This is a mobile application built in Android Studio. Java was the main language used in the application. An SQL database was, also, used to store the data. The database was completely handled by the application.


AWS Cloud

REST Api using AWS services

During the last portion of my CS degree, we were tasked with creating a simple API using AWS. We were taught DynamoDB, S3, IAM, policy creation, Lambda, and more. 


It no longer works as the account associated with the services no longer exists.

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