RPG Style
Not much can be said about this game, so there won't be a whole ton here. The studio wants to keep it quite!
Given that the studio has no funding, it's being developed on voluntary/unpaid hours.
The group's hope is to release the game, and get enough income to pay more attention to it.
What I can tell you, is that the game itself is an Isometric RPG style game being developed in Unity.
Not much else can be said as ideas float around, stuff changes, and things happen. But think of
it like a top down, diagonal fantasy game.
This was actually a little challenging to get right.
The easiest way to explain isometric movement is this: Take a 3D game, move the camera for it to become 2.5D,
similar to how Factorio or how Stardew valley looks. Then rotate the camera 45 degrees to the right around the center of the game. Seems simple, right? Well, you then have to take character movement and change it to match that camera. You have to do this for all other data that pertains to movement. This is why I developed a helper
script that can just take in any type of transform data and return isometric data.
Had a pretty fun time doing it actually!
This is still being worked on, as it still uses a very basic Unity Navigation mesh. Currently, the AI can navigate simple environments using Unity's built-in navigation system. However, there are several improvements and features planned for the future. One major area of focus is dynamic obstacle avoidance, which will enable the AI to navigate around moving objects and characters in real-time. Enhancing the pathfinding algorithm is another priority to make navigation more efficient and capable of handling complex RPG environments with varied terrain and obstacles.
Additionally, we are looking into integrating behavior trees to create more sophisticated AI behaviors and decision-making processes. This will allow the AI to perform complex and realistic actions based on different scenarios encountered in the game. Another planned improvement is adding environmental awareness, so the AI can understand and react to changes in the environment, such as doors opening and closing, terrain alterations, and other dynamic elements.