During my time at FullSail University, the school had us use their educational game SCRAPS. SCRAPS has a post-apocalyptic theme to it. You can jump, move certain objects, pick up certain things, and move through the world. FullSail used SCRAPS to teach us how to make different types of mechanics in Unity, how to create a level, how to create animations, and a ton of other things. This page showcases a few of those things.
don't you need to DESIGN a LEVEL first?!
One thing that was taught was SCRAPS was level design. We went through the process of creating an LDD, or level design document(which is linked below), to placing that in Unity, to building off of it in Unity. My level went through several iterations as I realized there were several things I couldn't do, due to limitations and time. However, I do think it still created a good level. The LDD is the first iteration, or idea of the level. The images below are shots of the final creation.
Can't have a game without MECHANICS
Another topic taught with SCRAPS was mechanics. Using SCRAPS, we got our first hand in mechanic creation. Whether it was something as simple as flipping a switch, or something as complex as lining up several different lasers, it's still a mechanic. One mechanic that SCRAPS already had was that the player could move certain objects in the play area. This could help the player achieve different portions of the level. One mechanic I created was a molten floor. It's very simple, but it cannot be avoided. The player must use a bottle to get rid of the molten metal. If the game were to be developed further, a more accurate way of ridding the metal would be created.
The molten metal can be seen as the dark yellow 'puddle' on the floor.

Why not have a walkthrough?
This video was created as an assignment for class. It does a very good job of detailing the level.