React - Text Game
I had created a game during one of my course in SNHU. Well, I really liked it and wanted to combine that with the my fullstack experiences. This is the child of that combination. I chose React as the framework for this game because of a recommendation from a friend. I'm currently really liking it as it's easy to understand. The game has grown quite a lot. It's helping me explore a lot of tools that can be integrated within web applications, like GPT and AWS.
Note: The game is still very much in development, so you may not publicly see everything that is stated here.
The Game
This React.js text based game is about an explorer venturing out and scavenging. It was inspired by Fallout 4 at the time, and the mech-walker is inspired by the Power Armor in the game. The player needs to navigate the bunker's rooms via typing commands like: east, west, south, north. Each room may or may not contain an item the player can pick up. Certain items require other items to be in the player's inventory already in order to be obtained. The end goal of the game is the obtain all the items and beat the monster in the middle of the bunker.
React is the main application that is being used to develop this webserver game, in tandem with Node, JavaScript, and TypeScript. The game will allow the player to import their own bunkers or create new ones. There are a ton of features in development and planned. Currently, the plan is to start moving all main game data to a DynamoDB on AWS while using a REST api to communicate with Dynamo. Of course, I could just use local storage, but I thought it would be cool to make it cloud! AI is being worked into the application to help users with the creation of bunkers, if they so choose.
A LOT more is planned, including making it look nice!
Used languages and tools
This is just a basic list of what was used during the development of the site.
JavaScript, CSS, TypeScript, HTML5
React - This is the main framework of the website.
Node - Node was the main runtime application that helped run the webserver.
DynamoDB - DynamoDB will be the main database for the game. This will hold only necessary data and game levels. Any client based data will be stored on the client, like saved games, saved bunkers, and so on.
GPT - This is the AI that is currently being worked into the application to help users with the creation of the bunkers.
Below is the live build of the application! You can interact through here, or use the button at the top of the page to open a new tab.